spent half a day updating the SHANGHAI BLOG!
pls. PLEASE! go to:
and taaag ok! if you do visit!
its not complete ya so keep visiting! xD OK! one of the days longLONG ago, i went back to band for the camp. wit AMIRUL! thnx for spendin that day wit me! (: here's some pics!

me and HAIKAL. ok. tough u were not promoted, do come back for band as often as u can ok! im gonna miss u and ur babats! hahaha! =D

AMIRUL!! ok. i tink he's waaaay handsome now! HAWT STUFF! haha. thanx for accmpanyin me again! ((:

me and ISKANDAR.
you! thanx for hearing me out when i really need to ok. i wont meet u so much next yr but hope we keep in touch! ohoh! A BIG BIG THANK YOU for keeping my secrets!!! hahas. my deepest, darkest secrets! ahhas. can never thank you enough! i've told u things that i would nvr tell others before! haha. ROCK ON DUDE! my best pal for the past few weeks! (((((:
i wanted to only take photo of my sect! hahs. NOT HER! =x
HAHAHA! ok lahh. i kidding! u can take the pic if u want! (:

OK! i dun tink i'll post band photos! cos i dun tink i look good on that day! haha! SORRY!
but i'll post the pics on the EAST COAST OUTING sooon! haha. ((: ps: CANT WAIT FOR SHANGHAI PPL BBQ!!!!
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