though it doesnt feel like it seyh. hahas.
lets sum up 2007 for my final post!

going to SHANGHAI is like the besssst thing that happened this year. cos i made freinds wit so many new ppl and i learn to cope on my own in a foreign country so well. and making the bond wit ppl i ardy know even closer. ALL 9 of you would always have a special place in my heart and i hope 2 or 3 yrs down the road, we can still have a gathering and all of us still recognize each other ya. (: MR KAMAL! thnx for being a wonderful teacher both in sch and during the trip. MDM TANG too! thankful that she took good care of all of us! SHANGHAI holds lots of beautiful and wnderful memories that i'll alwaysALWAYS rmb. I WONT FORGET MY SHANGHAI FRIENDS TOO! cos they made the trip even more worth it. ((:
as much as putting your pic
(damn it. typing the above sucks cos... )
i dont love you like i did yesterday. other people, obviously ZIYL!
i dun have a pic of us together cos im using my lappy! BUT. im sososososo GLAD that although we have different classes, boyfriends, family, obligations, commitments etc. we still can just meet up and then talk nonsense and just spill our guts out! the way you all understand and just be there for me when i need it always makes me feel blessed to know i have real true friends who would always be by my side. (: i hope we can still get married, have our kids and still meet up ok! LOVE YOU GUYS: IZZATI, ZIN, LIYANA! *muacks!
not forgetting, 4E4.
yay!! omg. like finally all of us a graduating! can u like beleive it! hahas. o levels was a bitch but we made it! (: haha. look forward to see every single one of you during results! which is in less than a month! =x haha.
ooh. hahs. this year, i think mum and i are like so much closer. (: hahs. hopefully next year it would be better! love all of you!
okok. so i tink dats about it!
some special mentions,
ISKANDAR: ooh. like i always say, U ROCK! thnx for always hearing me out when i have some nonsense to speak. when i cry, when i depressed. all i can say is that, i'll miss not seeing you. never expected you to be like so close to me this year. haha. (:
CHELTTON: omg. so glad we became close friends back. no matter how bad ppl impressions are, i still wanna say that he is a nice man. i am really sorry i misjudged you this year. i thank you for listening to me too and always being a ready company when i feel like all else fails. gd luck with BBALL and HER ok. :D
lastly, SUFFIAN: haha. i dunno how come we were like suddenly so close(friends) but i appreciate it a lot! (: thanx for lending me your ear and wasting ur sms when i cant sleep! hahas. you still like help me out when you dunno the real pic! i hope we wont forget each other and may 2008 bring much more happiness and a resolution/ending for you and ting ok. (:
2007 has past way tooooo fast!
on the whole has been so perfect except for this month. haha. its ok lahh. should always expect december to be a bad month! lols.
but im looking forward to next year. meeting new ppl, finding new friends!
2008! may it'll be a year filled wit so much fun and blessings.
a new beginning to a rusty ending!
with loads of LOVE;
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