the very reason i cried today.
i miss 4E4 so baaaad.
and everything else about SCSS.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
suck balls. ):
its not that my current hist teacher sint gd, he's just weird.
i had to dig out my Malayan Pre-war Nationalism notes just to understand that chap. and i look at the amount of notes and scribbles at the side and i knew i had learn more from him than 1 month on the same chap in jc. omfg.
day out with GFs was awesome! (:
its not that my current hist teacher sint gd, he's just weird.
i had to dig out my Malayan Pre-war Nationalism notes just to understand that chap. and i look at the amount of notes and scribbles at the side and i knew i had learn more from him than 1 month on the same chap in jc. omfg.
day out with GFs was awesome! (:
tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable
-impossible.SECONDHAND SERENADE- Vulnerable. (:
Friday, April 18, 2008
gonna jsut update about random stuffs here.
no more emoshit, exposing my naked truth to one and all.
hahahaha. JJC's coucil election just ended.
omg. Gd luck for one an all who ran for elections!
i look forward to see the 'o2 shadows get elected. (:
( i miss those times alottt! omg. words cant express.) im gonna go.
offcially moved to livejournal today!
i still prefer blogger lehh.
but, have to get use to it. (:
no more emoshit, exposing my naked truth to one and all.
hahahaha. JJC's coucil election just ended.
omg. Gd luck for one an all who ran for elections!
i look forward to see the 'o2 shadows get elected. (:
( i miss those times alottt! omg. words cant express.) im gonna go.
offcially moved to livejournal today!
i still prefer blogger lehh.
but, have to get use to it. (:
Thursday, April 17, 2008
im blogging here cos somethings wrong wit LJ. it gets a lil complicated cos i've been using blogger for a good 3 yrs? yeaah. ok, main reason im blogging... i cant find the drive/motivation to do my PI. i've been home since 5.30 but nothing's been touch. all i've done is hear more SECONDHAND SERENADE songs! they're awesome yo! falling in love with them day by day. finally found an artiste from my most favourite genre. oh yeaa. im gonna buy an ipod like sooooon ok? haha. anyone who wanna sell their ipod, and allow me to bargain, pls tell me! i cant stand the puny space in my hp. suckss. and the sound isnt all that wonderful either. ): oh well. schools been getting better. and i've gotta thank god for that. half of me sometimes just wanna drop out from SAJC and go to a poly. but, i've chosen this path so just suck it up and go all the way. i hate morning rainy days like today. it dampens everyones mood. ): but... haha. im glad there are ppl like Han and Alan in the class who nvr fail to make the class smile each day. anw, ytd night seem to be all but a dream. (:
lets do random outings oftenly. hee. i miss cheltton tan!
dinner sooooooooooooooon. grrr. ever wondered why somethings dont go your way sometimes? i always do. everything seems to be in such a disarray that sometimes i feel like giving up on every single thing. and on the other hand, i dunno whats this force that keep telling me to press on and just keep going. at the end of the day, i come out a stronger person. i've realise so many things this past few months about myself. i dont really like it cos its all too sudden. i'm foreseeing this yr to be one hell of a journey cos as far as i can see, nothing seems to be going as planned. for once, i refuse to beleive in fate. alrighty. gtg do my PI.
i miss alot of ppl really.
i miss SWISS COTTAGE alot! like truckloads. i miss walking that path from bt gombak to sch. i miss climbing to the 4th floor every morning. i miss seeing Bowen and all the other early birds face in the morning. i miss all the late afternon remedial classes. i miss chionging maths hmwk with nicholas, kenneth and the rest. i miss turning my head and talking to audrey. i miss mr kamal's history classes. i miss that huge band room. i miss sitting at my sections place. i miss doing sectionals at the sec3 block. i miss going back on 187. i miss going for hmt classes. i miss 4E4, SWISS WINDS. 4 yrs seem to have just flown by. -how about you reply my msg now?! )): argh.
(why do i even wait?)
im blogging here cos somethings wrong wit LJ. it gets a lil complicated cos i've been using blogger for a good 3 yrs? yeaah. ok, main reason im blogging... i cant find the drive/motivation to do my PI. i've been home since 5.30 but nothing's been touch. all i've done is hear more SECONDHAND SERENADE songs! they're awesome yo! falling in love with them day by day. finally found an artiste from my most favourite genre. oh yeaa. im gonna buy an ipod like sooooon ok? haha. anyone who wanna sell their ipod, and allow me to bargain, pls tell me! i cant stand the puny space in my hp. suckss. and the sound isnt all that wonderful either. ): oh well. schools been getting better. and i've gotta thank god for that. half of me sometimes just wanna drop out from SAJC and go to a poly. but, i've chosen this path so just suck it up and go all the way. i hate morning rainy days like today. it dampens everyones mood. ): but... haha. im glad there are ppl like Han and Alan in the class who nvr fail to make the class smile each day. anw, ytd night seem to be all but a dream. (:
lets do random outings oftenly. hee. i miss cheltton tan!
dinner sooooooooooooooon. grrr. ever wondered why somethings dont go your way sometimes? i always do. everything seems to be in such a disarray that sometimes i feel like giving up on every single thing. and on the other hand, i dunno whats this force that keep telling me to press on and just keep going. at the end of the day, i come out a stronger person. i've realise so many things this past few months about myself. i dont really like it cos its all too sudden. i'm foreseeing this yr to be one hell of a journey cos as far as i can see, nothing seems to be going as planned. for once, i refuse to beleive in fate. alrighty. gtg do my PI.
i miss alot of ppl really.
i miss SWISS COTTAGE alot! like truckloads. i miss walking that path from bt gombak to sch. i miss climbing to the 4th floor every morning. i miss seeing Bowen and all the other early birds face in the morning. i miss all the late afternon remedial classes. i miss chionging maths hmwk with nicholas, kenneth and the rest. i miss turning my head and talking to audrey. i miss mr kamal's history classes. i miss that huge band room. i miss sitting at my sections place. i miss doing sectionals at the sec3 block. i miss going back on 187. i miss going for hmt classes. i miss 4E4, SWISS WINDS. 4 yrs seem to have just flown by. -how about you reply my msg now?! )): argh.
(why do i even wait?)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
must i really, always pretend?
what an awesome night it would have it been.
day out after sch wit izzati was awesome.
im glad we can call each other bitch randomly and none of us get offended. i dunno why.
somehow, i always know what she talks about and she always know what i talk about.
for eg, we see "cells" when we look up in the sky! -.-
hahaha. got me laughing that someone actually understands the feeling.
and of course, we know the feeling of scandalising. =x
haha. i'm glad we always relate and come down to the same conclusion.
and i somehow always give her the best advices and she gives me the best too.
find me someone who will just sit and listen to my whole 10 day love story and still ask questions. and thats gonna be her. haha.
i love how Han describes the way she talks today.
RFOL. damn hilarious. :D
so.... there's a reason she's me bestfriend no?
oh well, seems i've dedicated one long post to her.
haha. (:
gtg study for econs test now.
and do my tutorials.
zzz... - i miss the two of you like no end. ):
what an awesome night it would have it been.
day out after sch wit izzati was awesome.
im glad we can call each other bitch randomly and none of us get offended. i dunno why.
somehow, i always know what she talks about and she always know what i talk about.
for eg, we see "cells" when we look up in the sky! -.-
hahaha. got me laughing that someone actually understands the feeling.
and of course, we know the feeling of scandalising. =x
haha. i'm glad we always relate and come down to the same conclusion.
and i somehow always give her the best advices and she gives me the best too.
find me someone who will just sit and listen to my whole 10 day love story and still ask questions. and thats gonna be her. haha.
i love how Han describes the way she talks today.
RFOL. damn hilarious. :D
so.... there's a reason she's me bestfriend no?
oh well, seems i've dedicated one long post to her.
haha. (:
gtg study for econs test now.
and do my tutorials.
zzz... - i miss the two of you like no end. ):
Saturday, April 12, 2008
SWISS SERENADE '08 was awesome!
i really wished i was up on tht stage with the others exactly as i was two yrs ago! splendid, terrific! GD JOB SEC4s! WELL DONE!
i really didnt expect such standards. (:
i love SWISS WINDS still.
i long for that kin of feeling when i play with others... -.- SWISS WINDS!
(: -my greatest joy! saw so many ppl tht i've missed!
AZIMAH! melissa, saki, madan, JIAYI!, janielson, sailesh, yaozu!
yesyes. shanghai ppl! haha. (:
i love em still and i'll always do.
saw lots of common faces.
so much of me still wanna remain in SCSS nvr move on.
such an awesome night.
i really have nothing to say but im proud of SWISS WINDS!
i didnt even dare see ****'* face cos i knew i had well disappointed him. the feelings just sucks. i chose that path bcos of my passion and i hope its good.
i'll upload the pics soon.
oh yaa. ive created my livejournal acc.
see u guys oveer there when im prepared. (:
i really wished i was up on tht stage with the others exactly as i was two yrs ago! splendid, terrific! GD JOB SEC4s! WELL DONE!
i really didnt expect such standards. (:
i love SWISS WINDS still.
i long for that kin of feeling when i play with others... -.- SWISS WINDS!
(: -my greatest joy! saw so many ppl tht i've missed!
AZIMAH! melissa, saki, madan, JIAYI!, janielson, sailesh, yaozu!
yesyes. shanghai ppl! haha. (:
i love em still and i'll always do.
saw lots of common faces.
so much of me still wanna remain in SCSS nvr move on.
such an awesome night.
i really have nothing to say but im proud of SWISS WINDS!
i didnt even dare see ****'* face cos i knew i had well disappointed him. the feelings just sucks. i chose that path bcos of my passion and i hope its good.
i'll upload the pics soon.
oh yaa. ive created my livejournal acc.
see u guys oveer there when im prepared. (:
Thursday, April 10, 2008
school was as per normal today.
nothing intrestg goes on anw in my life. haha.
hmm.. forgive me for this but i have nothing to say but emo things. so bear with me and just dont read. read thorugh my previous posts. it has been so many days,months and years. i wanna change to livejournal or wordpress. its getting a lil too public and mundane. saw AISYAH today! (:
the most awesome feeling in the world! after months of not seeing her, i felt like talking to her so much. haha. i love her lotsss. really. my best freinds are minahs! hahaha.
forgive me for this again, but i feel like i need to say something.
i'll update ess regularly from now on...
i still wanna hear your voice, feel your embrace. its just so hard to see others and then be reminded of what we use to have. its been so long. i've past the stage of being angry, now im just so terribly upset over what we happened. if only things could change, if only god will ansswer my prayers. i really do feel that i i need you more than anything else. i almost cried on the way back home ytd, as i walk alone in the darkness. i felt like i was being watched, but it was some kind of presence that i can never ever feel anymore. its like you just linger like a shadow in the midst of the night... how about we pray like theres no tmr?
nothing intrestg goes on anw in my life. haha.
hmm.. forgive me for this but i have nothing to say but emo things. so bear with me and just dont read. read thorugh my previous posts. it has been so many days,months and years. i wanna change to livejournal or wordpress. its getting a lil too public and mundane. saw AISYAH today! (:
the most awesome feeling in the world! after months of not seeing her, i felt like talking to her so much. haha. i love her lotsss. really. my best freinds are minahs! hahaha.
forgive me for this again, but i feel like i need to say something.
i'll update ess regularly from now on...
i still wanna hear your voice, feel your embrace. its just so hard to see others and then be reminded of what we use to have. its been so long. i've past the stage of being angry, now im just so terribly upset over what we happened. if only things could change, if only god will ansswer my prayers. i really do feel that i i need you more than anything else. i almost cried on the way back home ytd, as i walk alone in the darkness. i felt like i was being watched, but it was some kind of presence that i can never ever feel anymore. its like you just linger like a shadow in the midst of the night... how about we pray like theres no tmr?
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008

so there. the top pic is my time serving in JJC as a SHADOW!
best times of my life- learnt alot, met new ppl, perhaps something i will never experience again.
2nd pic. MLL class peeps.
i miss them alot too. ): ok. i'll try to add more pics into my entries but the only prob is i still cant figure out how to shift my photos to the comp. zzz.. tmr sch's ending pretty darn late.
totally forget abt the rehearsal tmr. but oh well..
i bet its gonna be a waste of time again since im totally not involved. =x i shall go and sleep.
im completed econs at least today! (:
and.. i should really go dieting and stop eating alot.
i feel so faaaattt. gonna totally flunk my NAPFA test. urghh. maybe somethings are not meant to be said.
how about singing "just so you know" to make you understand? no? i can only anticipate... and wait.
ytd's day out with suffian was NEEDED.
met at bugis and then had lunch.
once done, head down to esplanade to chill.
i love it there.
haha. chilling seems to be the only fun thing we do! haha. (: ohoh. and ALAN!
thanks for helping me out with the GC stuffs.
:D hee.
i wish i can be more than that. i wish im worth so much more in your eyes. i wish i'd have the courage to look into your eyes and then tell you how i feel all over again. i guess we're too scared to move on. to afraid to explore cos we've been too comfortable with what we used to have. but now, that its all over, why dont we take a leap of faith? i dont want to be just a friend. i want to be more than you know?
just realise what i just realise,
we never have to wonder if we
missed out on each other.
its not the same,
its NEVER the same
if you don't feel it too.
met at bugis and then had lunch.
once done, head down to esplanade to chill.
i love it there.
haha. chilling seems to be the only fun thing we do! haha. (: ohoh. and ALAN!
thanks for helping me out with the GC stuffs.
:D hee.
i wish i can be more than that. i wish im worth so much more in your eyes. i wish i'd have the courage to look into your eyes and then tell you how i feel all over again. i guess we're too scared to move on. to afraid to explore cos we've been too comfortable with what we used to have. but now, that its all over, why dont we take a leap of faith? i dont want to be just a friend. i want to be more than you know?
just realise what i just realise,
we never have to wonder if we
missed out on each other.
its not the same,
its NEVER the same
if you don't feel it too.
Friday, April 04, 2008
day out today was amazingly fun! (:
went to sch wit Han again today cos izzati was late!
~lalala. i did somthing real bad ytd and im TOTALLY not prepared eyy. i feel disgusted/horrible/terrible. but, at least i know now! hahas. =x going by the long forgotten bt bus route this few days sucksss ok.
it brings back damn lots of memories. dun ask me why i have to keep going back there. wit the exception of ytd though. SHIQI went back with me. (: she's damn hilarious lahhh! haha. tmr gonna have band then gonna get me GC.
hehehe. :D
Alan is being very mean now. ): omg. he refuse to tell me!! ahhh! ytd, went to NJC.
saw ilyas! and...........
HISYAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD
omfg. my mind went blank went i saw him. and when we spoke! haha. best-est moment of my life! he look so, cute/handsome/hot in AC's uniform! hahaha! ok. random stuffs now.
i rmb asking you to give me and answer on why he left me back then. and i need to thank you god, cos you've answered my prayers in the most amazing way possible. i need to thank you for this blessing and i can nvr ask for more. (: whatever happens, give me a chance STILL, to make it right wit him. cos i need to... i feel the urge to just ask once and for all before i totally lose control of everything. GIVE ME THE COURAGE TO TALK TO MS HO TMR SO THAT I CAN **** ****. )):
went to sch wit Han again today cos izzati was late!
~lalala. i did somthing real bad ytd and im TOTALLY not prepared eyy. i feel disgusted/horrible/terrible. but, at least i know now! hahas. =x going by the long forgotten bt bus route this few days sucksss ok.
it brings back damn lots of memories. dun ask me why i have to keep going back there. wit the exception of ytd though. SHIQI went back with me. (: she's damn hilarious lahhh! haha. tmr gonna have band then gonna get me GC.
hehehe. :D
Alan is being very mean now. ): omg. he refuse to tell me!! ahhh! ytd, went to NJC.
saw ilyas! and...........
HISYAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD
omfg. my mind went blank went i saw him. and when we spoke! haha. best-est moment of my life! he look so, cute/handsome/hot in AC's uniform! hahaha! ok. random stuffs now.
i rmb asking you to give me and answer on why he left me back then. and i need to thank you god, cos you've answered my prayers in the most amazing way possible. i need to thank you for this blessing and i can nvr ask for more. (: whatever happens, give me a chance STILL, to make it right wit him. cos i need to... i feel the urge to just ask once and for all before i totally lose control of everything. GIVE ME THE COURAGE TO TALK TO MS HO TMR SO THAT I CAN **** ****. )):
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
it just...
i dont like this.
whoever is the one commenting on that post just say your name lahh. and dont make it sound as if i dont like Swiss Winds. i still do ok. and playing with Swiss Winds 2 yrs ago perhaps was the best times of my life. i just stated one small fact and ppl have to say like that. worst, i think i know who is it. ): ......... you really dunno the difference and how it feels eh. i screwed my maths test.
suck balls lahhhhh.
haha. ok, im to blame.
but oh well..
an true to wat suffian said, i wont wake up at night and true enough i didnt. hahaha. i should just go and die. =x haha. a wave can do so much! :DDDD
LOL. i was literally smiling throughout econs lecture cos just before i entered the CC for lecture, i saw Emannuel. poor izzati had to bear wit my excitement. HAHA. - i slept with a foolish sheepish grin on my face ytd.
(a girl can dream. no?) hahaha. (:
whoever is the one commenting on that post just say your name lahh. and dont make it sound as if i dont like Swiss Winds. i still do ok. and playing with Swiss Winds 2 yrs ago perhaps was the best times of my life. i just stated one small fact and ppl have to say like that. worst, i think i know who is it. ): ......... you really dunno the difference and how it feels eh. i screwed my maths test.
suck balls lahhhhh.
haha. ok, im to blame.
but oh well..
an true to wat suffian said, i wont wake up at night and true enough i didnt. hahaha. i should just go and die. =x haha. a wave can do so much! :DDDD
LOL. i was literally smiling throughout econs lecture cos just before i entered the CC for lecture, i saw Emannuel. poor izzati had to bear wit my excitement. HAHA. - i slept with a foolish sheepish grin on my face ytd.
(a girl can dream. no?) hahaha. (:
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